Monday, April 24, 2006

Our Loss, Heaven's Gain

Our blogging friend,Silas, has left us. We are very, very sad today. Our thought and purrayers go out to his Mom and Dad, and to his brothers, Brendan and Harper< and his sister, Ramona.

May he find peace with his brother, Fergus.


  1. I just found out about Silas too. It seems so cruel for him to follow Fergus so soon. He was a lovely cat.

  2. Oh no! We are very sorry to hear this! Prayers & hugs to that poor family.

  3. We were so furry sad too. Poor Olaf and Zuleme, they have suffered 2 losses in such a short time.

  4. we just recently met everyone at Caturday. we're so sorry for them. Zuleme loved them so much.
