When you have four cats and one blog, it sometimes hard to give all the cats equal time. Especially when one is kitten and is forever doing something funny, stupid or noteworthy. So from now on I am going to try and give each at a little time on the blog.

Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here in my favourite sleeping chair? Go find Smudge, I'm sure he's peeing on something he shouldn't.

Plhhhpht! to you Magoo. I don't pee on everything. I only pee when Dad hasn't kept my litterbox as clean as I like it, or when I'm stressed out from that other cat coming for an unannounced visit.

I really wish Mom and Dad had kids. Then maybe they would spend their time dressing them in clothes instead of me. Although, I have to admit I look damn good in a zebra print.

I have a talent for getting on places that I shouldn't. The higher the better. Dad says I'm getting too big to go onto the window box, so I thought this shelf might be good. Mom says there's Pooh up here, but I don't smell anything. Can I leave a dingleberry here too?

I turned 6 months on Mar 27 and now that I'm a big girl, Dad decided that I needed to get a collar. Don't I look pretty with my new pink collar. This means I can go outside with my brothers and sister this summer. I don't know what that means, but it sure sounds exciting.