Sunday, March 25, 2007

My First Spring

Summoning my infinite powers of kitten cuteness, I have decided to take over this blog.

Mom and Dad have been talking about this thing called spring. I don't know what that is. Dolce says its a lot of fun, and that I might be allowed outside to see exactly how much fun it is. I asked her how many of these "Springs" she has seen and she said two. I don't think that makes her an expert. So I asked Bella how many springs she has seen. She hissed at me and said that a gentlecat does not ask a lady her age. So from that, I assumed more than two. I decided to ask Magoo how many springs he has seen. He said that he has seen 11 springs. He said that one was as a wee little kitten so he doesn't remember that one very well. In my mind that makes him a expert. I asked him what is the best part of spring. Magoo said that Dad will start Bar-B-Qing more since it is warmer and he doesn't have to trudge through the snow.

Magoo is very smart, because Dad Bar-B-Qued this weekend. I had to get a front row seat to see what the fuss was all about. I must say Bar-B-Que looks very tasty from this vantage point.

But since cats know that you can't always trust your eyes, I had to have a little taste of Dad's meal.

Magoo is right Bar-B-Que is fantastic. I think I will have to reserve this place at the table next time to see what else Dad has cooked up for me to sample.


  1. Oh you sweet little kitty! You are so cute and small & fuzzy!!!!
    The best thing about this thing called spring to us is the open windows and the chirping birds!

  2. You sure do have a very nice daddy, to let you taste his food. Our daddy won't let us near his food, but mommie and the young beans do.

  3. SirWoody,Tiiger and SoonyBob are talking strike
    after seeing that photo..
    Great photos thanks for sharing!

  4. STEAK!! you had fillet mig-non -ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. you is the luckiest meezer in the werld!

  5. ooooh - we've had that before. it's excellent! next, go lick the stuff off the baked potato. the potato part is good too, even though it's a veggy-tibble. you're just the cutest little thing!

  6. I love the way he closes his eyes so he can reach the food. Very cute stripes, too!

  7. We's just finally realized yoo were still here! All dis time we were seeing da Scooter McTabby files post at da top and thot you'd stopped blogging. Ugh *slapping owr heads* we been missing yur pretty little face and da ofur pretty faces of Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce. *Ugh* again. We gots some catching up to do.

  8. Oh Baci you are just too cute for words. But your Dad does a good job of describing the things you do. Please let him know how funny he is and not to stop.


  9. Ahhhhh much better with the post of the day at the top.

  10. Yummmmmm BBQ ~Merlin, Shadow, ko Ko and the Poiland Tribe

  11. Yummy BBQ Yippe!!

    ●๋: ●๋:
    ´´´´´●๋: ●๋:
    ´●๋: ●๋: Luna ●๋: ●๋:
    ´´´´´ ●๋: ●๋:
    ´●๋: ´●๋: ´●๋: ´●๋:

  12. Don't feel bad Beau Beau & Angie, we did the same thing! We had a lot of catching up to do. We do enjoy this blog. Man you were the luckiest kitty in the world at that moment. You know it too, your face as you're eating that filet says "this is the greatest thing efur...."
    Mommy says that if those powers of kitten cuteness were in this house, she'd never get anything done. You will soooooooooooo love Spring if for no other reason than the open windows....

  13. You are a little cutie, Baci. It is very nice of your Dad to let you taste his food. Enjoy your first Spring and let us know what you think of it.

  14. Bar-b-cue looks good! I'll have to get Meowm to try to fix some of that.
