Mom and Dad have been talking about this thing called spring. I don't know what that is. Dolce says its a lot of fun, and that I might be allowed outside to see exactly how much fun it is. I asked her how many of these "Springs" she has seen and she said two. I don't think that makes her an expert. So I asked Bella how many springs she has seen. She hissed at me and said that a gentlecat does not ask a lady her age. So from that, I assumed more than two. I decided to ask Magoo how many springs he has seen. He said that he has seen 11 springs. He said that one was as a wee little kitten so he doesn't remember that one very well. In my mind that makes him a expert. I asked him what is the best part of spring. Magoo said that Dad will start Bar-B-Qing more since it is warmer and he doesn't have to trudge through the snow.
Magoo is very smart, because Dad Bar-B-Qued this weekend. I had to get a front row seat to see what the fuss was all about. I must say Bar-B-Que looks very tasty from this vantage point.
But since cats know that you can't always trust your eyes, I had to have a little taste of Dad's meal.
Magoo is right Bar-B-Que is fantastic. I think I will have to reserve this place at the table next time to see what else Dad has cooked up for me to sample.