Thursday, May 11, 2006

Taking Pills Sucks

Mom and Dad were clipping my claws last week and during that indignity, Dad felt something on back of my rear leg. It was on my upper hind quarter. When they tried to see what it was, I really yelled at them. This made Mom and Dad really worried.

So Dad took me to the bad V-E-T to have it looked at. He would have gone to Magoo's V-E-T, but if it was serious and I need to be knocked out for them to help me, Dad didn't want to risk another reaction to the medication.

The problem turned out to be a large scab on my leg. There were actually two large scabs. You know what the V-E-T told my Dad...

She figures that one of my brothers or sisters must have bitten me. She asked if we cats roughhoused at all. I could have told her the answer was an unequivocal YES. Since I was still playing and jumping and running all over the house, she did not think that it was anything to worry about. But she gave my Dad some medication to help with any possible infection that might be present. She had the nerve to say that cat's teeth are very dirty. My response to her: "My teeth maybe dirty, but you dress funny. And would it kill you to do something with your hair?"

So like Shaggy, I have to take these stupid pills for a week. I'm almost done with them so I'm very happy. Mom says that I am the easiest cat she has ever had to give a pill too. Dad figures that I must have been a little sick, because after a week of taking the pills, I'm even more rambunctious than ever.


  1. Aw man! No fair. I hate pills. This is what you do. Keep the mouth shut. Clamped shut. They might try that pry-your-jaw-open thing, if they get it open, wriggle and wriggle. Taking pills is hard for you and you can make it hard for your beans. Oh, and I heard from Edsel about Canadian Customs holding y'alls stinky goodness hostage. Not funny!

  2. Oh Dolce I'm sorry. It does sound like you 4 get a little crazy over there. I have been cooperating with mom giving m e those pills. Every morning she sits by me, then tips my head back, I let her open my mouth wide then she tosses the pill into the back. I've never spit it up yet! I figger just take 'em, then be done with it. Hope your leg doesn't hurt too much! -Shaggy

  3. oh you are just so cute!!! sorry 'bout your let, hope it heals up okay.

  4. Poor Dolce! Glad you're feeling better though!

  5. You hadded two Owies? Eifen though the pills are yucky you must take all of them. Glad you feeling much better. Our Mom's cat from before used to get bitted by an outside dirty cat and he got awful sick so good thing you gotted taken care of.

  6. Pills are horrible, and I am only saying that secondhand since I have not taken any myself. Isis, though, told me they were maybe on secondthought they might not be so bad.

    I hope you feel better soon! Think of those scabs as if they were battle scars! You're a true warrior kitty!

  7. Poor thing... you really were sulking in that pikchur, huh? Never worry! You'll be betta in no time at all. We cats always bounce back betta than eva befurr!


  8. Sweet Dolce, I'm sorry bout your pills an owies! Mom says the cat who raised her got in fights outside. He'd sumtimes get big swollen owies an the vet would make holes in them to drain icky stuff. Pills can't be as bad as that.

  9. Dolce, you are a beauty! But of course, you knew that. Tell Mom and Dad to crunch the pill up in a bit of baby food (Veal is especially good!) That way pill taking is a bit less traumatic for everyone!
    Get better!
    April, Remy and Katrina

  10. Everyone hates pill, but if they help you get better, you'd better take them!

  11. Oh, sweetie! Take those pills and get better!! Owies are not fun. Tell your sibs you are too cute to bite like that!! It might work. Otherwise, fight on warrior girl! Give what you get!!

  12. Well, you are sure one cute little cat, I must say!

    The Mom

  13. We constantly have owies from each other. That is the life of rambuncious poodies VETs should know that ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

  14. Oh you poor thing. You need to make sure that your siblings don't hurt you when they nip. If they try that again, just give them a really good thwap upside the head.

  15. sweet little thing! I think you've had more scabs (eyes and now legs) in your short life than any cat I've known!

    Bite back, sister! Let them check your siblings for scabs!

  16. What a poor little kitty you is!! Is you feeling okay?! Taking pills is nasty. I gots a bad scratch on my ear flap from my means sister Badness. We gots to put our paws down when our big sisters and brothers picks on us!

  17. Dolce, don't you just hate it when somecat sneaks and puts the bite you. I had that happen to me. The mom found the scab, or should I say scar, on the back of my left rear leg and it is about 2 inches long. The nerve of somecats. Any ways, take your pills and be good.

  18. Hey dudes! Wanted to write yesterday but didn't get a roundtuit. We heard how the SJ fans booed during to Canadien national anthem and were totally disgusted by that. That was absolutely an ugly thing to do. After the Flyers do their annual bow-out mom always cheers for any/all the Canadien teams, because she thinks they should win for the good of the sport and the national pride of Canada. They haven't had a winner in a while. Go Oilers! -Shaggy
