Monday, March 06, 2006

Still trying to recuperate

As hard as it is for the Birthday Boy, it is so much worse for the family members who were responsible for putting on the party for him.

Dolce says that it was divine finally meeting Scout in purrson. She says her crush is now full blown love. She's such a kitten.

Smudge spent the day whining about Turtle. He's smitten. He even started doing Dean Martin imitations.


  1. what an adorable picture.

  2. Do they give gold medals for "Synchronized Sleeping?"

    If so, you two are a shoe-in!

  3. All Scout has been talking about since he came back is Dolce, Dolce, Dolce. He is in love too. What a cute couple they make. Scout says he wants to curl up with her just like this picture, which is too cute by the way!

  4. so cute the picture shhh!! dont disturbed..NO MOLESTAR PLEASE!! =^^=

  5. Aw, Scout, you lucky boy. *Snif* Dolce, if you change your mind, let me know.
    Love the pictor. See, Bonnie? Other kitties share.

  6. :::blinks:::
    That was an AWESOME party.
    I think I have a hangover, tho...

  7. Look how nicely they sleep together. Too cute!

  8. a belated happy birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday Magoo!

    I've been reading your blog and your friends' blogs and it's obvious that everykitty had a fantastic time at your birthday party! :)

    (BTW, I'm not a kitty, I'm just a bean who loves kitties.)
