Some of the party animals have gone down for a bit of nap before continuing on with the festivities. Since I don't have any of them looking over my shoulder to make sure I don't spill the beans on any of their shennigans, I can finally let some of you worried parents out there what your furchildren have been up to.
Given it was the first night and I don't think some of the cats had been into Catnip punch before, things got a little crazy. There was a brief scrap during the tub hockey game (afterall we are using Canadian Rules), which was quickly broken up by the referee Victor Tabbycat. The fight occurred in the final match which saw Edsel and Jasper take on Magoo and Smudge. I figured it was Magoo who started the fight, since he was pretty jumpy after having a little too much punch. I asked him what happened, and Magoo said all he did was call Edsel a "pussy". Magoo's defense was that Edsel is, indeed, a pussy cat. Well Edsel did not take it very well. Afterwards they sat down and laughed about it over some more punch.
The only scandal of last night was when I caught Kukka Maria, Bella, Josie and Turtle taunting the boys with a game of "Spin the Catmilk Box". But don't worry nothing got too far out of hand. But you try to chaperone over thirty catnip punch intoxicated cats.
I imagine tonight will rev up and be just as crazy. I told Magoo and Smudge that they will be responsible if anything more gets broken.
More pictures will follow, but my hotmail account is acting goofy right now. Hey! Were any of you cats on the computer surfing for kitten p0rn?
Hurry up!! come on to my blog, I have a surprise for you...are you ready! =^^=
ReplyDeleteA hug for you from spain kitty!! =^.^=
Now where did Derby & Fat Eric go?
Magooooooooooo I´m waiting in my blog =^.^=
ReplyDeleteOoh, I just took a look at Luna's surprise, I think Magoo will like it! I didn't know you had a Spanish girlfriend, Magoo...
ReplyDeleteHey Shaggy, Derby and I are over here having a nap on these cushions.
Yeah, Fat Eric, Shaggy and I are just discussing the finer points of manipulating our humans. Got to keep up on the latest tricks that we use to keep our humums wrapped around our little paws.
ReplyDeletePlus we needed a break from the tub hockey. It was getting fast and furious for a while. These guys play for keeps. I don't think I could keep up with them.
Dudes.......!! Happy Birthday Magoo!
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm late and gatecrashing and all, but hey, you know what mama's are like.......
Where's my Derby Dude? Hey, Eric - have you lost weight, pal?? :-)
Is there a hat left for me? Green is my colour.......
No, it's ok, no nip for me - I'll just have a glass of chilled water.......no, Magoo Mama, not a bowl - I drink out of a glass...
[rolls on the floor wrestling with Derby]
[catches sight of Kukka-Maria]
Dude?? Is that Kukka-Maria? She's kinda cute, ain't she.....?
Charlie, you are a young kittie, so be careful with Kukka. Yes she is one fine looking kittie. But she can be very demanding. If you don't meet her standards, she may just ignore you. Or even if she likes you, well, what can I say. Just don't give your heart away.
ReplyDeleteWho said anything about my heart...?
ReplyDeleteoh hang on....[thinks] damn! Forget about the noodering.....
Guess my heart is all I have to give.....
[gazes at Kukka-Maria with BIG ginger eyes]
Did anyone bring some feather toys?-Scooby
ReplyDeleteOh bah. I didn't know it was your birthday Magoo. If I'd known, I would've sent you some Stinky Goodness. Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteSlick, meet me in the kitchen for some niptinis. Wm. Carmen is looking for her secret bro, will you give her a meow so she stops meowing me where you are?
ReplyDeleteNIPTINI'S!!! Whoo-Hoo!! Shaken, not stirred, ok?
ReplyDeleteps: The litter box needs a little attention.....PeeYoo!
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteI'm kinda new on the blogs, so I didn't think I could come, cause you don't know me.
And mama's making me stay home.
No GateCrashing, she said.
I wanna know where the gate is, why she said I can't crash it and why I can't come to the party.
But Happy day anyway guys. Have fun.
At least I have some nip....
HEY GUYS! I just bopped on home and GUESS WHAT? There was HAM out on the table - so I TOOKED A WHOLE BIG PILE OF IT!!!! Come and get some!!!! - Miles
ReplyDeleteHi Brandi,
ReplyDeleteCome on over to Magoo's. All kitty bloggers are welcome! Where-abouts do you live in Mpls? We are in Maple Grove.
Now back to the ham & Niptini's
Feeling groovy baby, woooooo how many of these niptinis have I had? There's a piano? Come on Kukka let's go meow our lungs out. Slick baby, do you know how to tickle the ivories? REOW! Brithdat boy picks the first tune then it's open mic.
ReplyDeleteEric? Where did you go?
ReplyDeleteSigh. Kukka-Maria, how do you do it?
I need another niptini.
Hey Charlie! Me n Taz drink only out of a glass too! And only off Mama's nightstand. Its better that way, cuz then we has to walk all over her to get to it. Doesn't that sound like fun??
ReplyDeleteDiva, Taz used to play the big piano before Mama sent it away. The little piano only makes noises if you turn the button on now.
HEY EVERYBODY! I slipped home while Mama and Daddy were out at a movie and brought the KITTY GRASS!!!!
Oh no!!!! Its a kitty stampede!!! Run Taz run!!!
Anyone want some bite sized shrimp? I lifted it from the Man's stash on my way over..
ReplyDeletesorry about the plant Magoo.... we didn't mean to knock it over. Is your Mama gonna be mad?
ReplyDeleteHas anybody seen Buddah? :O)
ReplyDeleteI has a prize for him!! he heeee
OH MAX!!!! shrimp..... Can I be your friend ;O)
Buddah's taking a bath. FINALLY. He'll be here when he's done.
ReplyDelete:::gives angel some shrimp:::
ReplyDeleteIts good, eh?
Shrimp, I did I hear Max had shrimp? Save some for me, I love those things. Plus a niptini and enough of that and then we can get on to the kareoke.
ReplyDeletePlus, I gotta get the chance to talk with PMB this weekend. Find out how the flying lessons are going. She is one high flying kittie, really.
Charlie and Shaggy - do we need to raid the treat box before the next round of tub hockey? Maybe we should place bets on who wins this next round. My money is on the home team.
Oh I loves shrimps Max..... lick lick kiss *blushes*
Oh Wait you guys! Taz is going back home to grab her pined cone... you have to try tub hockey with the pined cone!!
Shaggy: I'm always up for a raid on the treat box. I'm kinda tired for another game. Too full. Burp.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the cheerleaders for hockey? Mom taught us a cheer from her college hockey games: "Face-off! Face-off! Rip his face off!" College hockey is pretty brutal I guess.
ReplyDeleteMama and Daddy gotted home from the movie they wented to see and founded the mess we left in the kitchen... she wrote about it in our bloggies.... But she don't sound mad :O)
::licks moostache off mouth::
Is there anymore kitty milk???
Shaggy, that must be the Canadian rules, we rock :O)
ReplyDeleteTaz n I can be cheered leaders. Wanna see our pompoms?? :O)
Happy Birthday Magoo! (Max said I could come if I taked a bath...) I hope you're hving fun. Max bringed shrimp! Did you get some?
ReplyDeleteI never been to a party before. I hope I don't make anyone mad...
[crawls out of cupboard, bleary-eyed]
ReplyDeletedudes! I'm still on Brit time so I needed a nap.......!! :-)
Did I hear 'shrimp'? Is that like prawns? I likes prawns.....
Buddah, dude! Two parties in one week.......whatcher gonna break today [feline giggle]
oh, oh.......is that Taz 'n' Angel? You sweet girlies, I've been waiting to meet you FOREVER...[grooms whiskers]
I been practising for tub-hockey....I'm getting good in the tub....
[yells over noise of two dozen partying nip-fuelled kitties and a piano]
Miles.....Miles!! [waves paw]..MILES!! Any ham left, dude..??
hmmph! Everyone is asleep....and this is the good time - cos the beans are sleeping too!!
ReplyDeleteI should really go home.......really, I should.....but it's nice here....
[sniffs ham] still good.......[munch munch]
[sniffs left over shrimp] hmm - 'tis like prawns [munch munch]
ooh look, Kukka-Maria has fell asleep and left her stash out...wonder what good nip is like..? [sniffs cautiously]
[sniffs a bit more]
[sniffs again]
[YAWN] [STREEEEETCH] Ok, I think I am awake. I popped home and mum was still sleeping. I jumped on the bed and she mumbled 'good morning' and wented back to sleep for a bit. When she gotted up to feed me I had something to eat, you know to make it look like normal. But then with my tummy so full of everything else, my crunchies didn't stay down. But that means I can go lay down and rest, but pop back to the party. Mum won't miss me. hehehe
ReplyDeleteCharlie...I warned you about messing with Kukka and her stuff. Yes, she does have good nip. But we may have to send you to Catnip Anonymous after this party.
Got to watch the teleporting today. At home we are 'sposed to gets snow this afternoon. Don't want to get lost in that white stuff.
We popped home too....Mom and Dad are leaving for the day, so we dont have to be home until about 5. This am the best party ever! Be careful Derby.....that snow and teleporting can be tricky. We have blue skies so no problem. I founded some special treats when I went back home to share with everyone........HEY EVERYONE......got somethin for ya!! WAKES UP!!
ReplyDeleteMagoo, this is the BESTEST party EFURR!! I'm having so much fun hanging out wif efurryone - 'specially Patches, Mittens and Mistrie. and the tub hockey is so much fun, even if Sammy and I keep biting each ofers butts and getting penalities. The Niptini's last night were AWSOME!!! I think I have a hangover. - Miles
ReplyDeletewow, there is an awful lot of commotion here.....i had a little of Max's shrimps and some 'o that ham and i'm really full. did Boni show up????......gonna go look, i haven't seen her or Sanjee.....
ReplyDelete[Lying flat on back, stomach so stuffed I look like a fluffy balloon with a paw sticking out at each corner]
ReplyDeleteMmm...shrimp...ham...Feline Greenies...stinky goodness...(burp)...Pardon me. I just hope I’m not too full to teleport home...I’m already having problems with jetlag, what with the time difference between here and London and all…Great party Magoo!
Hey, guys! I been asploring the dressers and cupboards here. Hope your beans don't mind, Magoo. The tub hockey is lotsa fun, but so many of you are too big for me! Magoo, your Dad was confused - Bonnie's the big, nasty ref. Where's Dolce? I've been eager to see her again. And Luna. I sorta invited her from Spain cuz she's a new friend. Did Max say SHRIMP? Did Miles say HAM? You name, I'll try it. Purr, purr, purr, purr.
ReplyDeleteNice to see you all again. You've been keeping me busy, refing tub hockey. Not so rough! Where's the penalty box? Derby, are you taking notes? Buenos dias, Luna. Feliz cumpleanos, Magoo. Man, those catniptinis are GOOD. "Efurrybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat... who knows where it's at..." Who wants to dance?
ReplyDelete[perks up]
ReplyDeleteWent home while you was all napping, Mama tooked me out for a walk in my new belt. She does it every day, and she'd notice if'n I was missing...
I ahven't seen Boni or Sanjee, Edsel dude....but I'm glad you got here....
Eric!! How much have you eaten, dude?? You looks like a BIG fluffie now...jes' tell yer beans it's your fur!!
Bonnie - wanna dance? [wiggles hips........and shoulders.....and - well everything]
Hi all! What's on tap for this afternoon? Pin the Tail on the Woofie? Blind Cats Bluff. Maybe Max can give us a reading from his new book.
ReplyDeleteHas efurryone else noticed how sweet Mistrie is? I hope she comes inside soon.
ReplyDeleteWe popped home for a bit, and Mom & Dad were wonderin' why we looked sooo sleepy and squinty. We tolded Gizmo 'bout Mistrie Rose, and he wants to meet her, since he's an outside kitty too. Am it okay if we brings him wif us today? Also, we're gonna sneak some salmon to share, if anycat wants some!
ReplyDeleteDid someone say salmon? I'll be right there, as soon as our tub hockey game is over. Bonnie is sure a tough ref. Victor's right, it's hard playing against the bigger cats. - Miles.
ReplyDelete*burp* - hey Eric Dude - I think i'm getting almost as fat as you. I hope my Mom doesn't notice - Sammy
ReplyDeleteHey has anycat see Charlie lately? Kukka also seems not to be around. Did they wander off together?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think the Sunday afternoon round of tub hockey is about to start. I think we have some good matchups coming. Poor Bonnie is getting tired reffing. Poor girl is losing her voice. She thinks we needs a penalty box. Does that mean being confined to a kittie carrier?
I popped home quick, starting to get snow, but it isn't bad yet. So shouldn't interfere with teleporting.
Does anyone find it strange that the only kitty NOT chatting is the birthday boy!!! Magooooooooooo where are yoooooooooouuuuuuuuu! I think its time for the birthday kisses.
HEY MAGOO!! Great party dude! We think we need to get home, Mommy will be starting to worry. If the party is still going on later, we'll be back for a while! - Miles and Sammy
ReplyDelete[wanders in nonchalantly]
ReplyDeletehey dudes........did I hear the word 'salmon'??
I see effurycat is here.....hang on, where's Magoo??
Perhaps he's off in a closet somewhere with Kukka-Maria.......
MAGOO!! The girls wanna kissy-kissy wiv you!!
I'll just watch the tub-hockey, I've not been training too good lately, cos Mama keeps shutting me out of the bathroom....
guys, I've had a thought.....
ReplyDeleteWHy don't we all go over to see Cowboy and get him to come over and referee the tub-hockey??
That way Bonnie can play too.....
I mean, beans must have their uses....
Miss Bonnie, I looooove to dance!!
ReplyDeleteBuddy wants to try one of those niptinis...he is a nip-head...then I think he'll join in the tub-hockey game.
Iiiii'mmmmmm puttin' on my top hat...tying up my white tie...polishing my tailllllll...
Ok Joaquin, number 1-never wake a sleeping diva! Number 2, divas do not play Zorro. Go find Scout, Charlie and Buddah. I'm busy snuggling - nevermind with who. Leave! DKM said we have to be back by midnight and I need some adult cat time.
ReplyDeleteHey Boys!! Check out that salmon that Smeagol and Strider broughted!
ReplyDeleteNiptinis in that corner...by the plant....kitty grass over there....all the food is on that table over there - except that HUGE shrimp Buddah is dragging around the carpet.......
[feline wink]
and Bonnie is over [waves paw] there.......
Oh, Finny, I love ol' blue eyes! Another niptini to wet my throat, an I'll be ready for more dancing.
ReplyDeleteOh, wait, I MUST have salmon before I dance any more.
ReplyDeleteReady to fall over, more like.......
ReplyDeletehave you see how many she's had???? [snigger]
Hey, can I play with Joaquin, Scout, Charlie and Buddah? Who else was born in 2005? Luna and Dolce! Xavier and Carmen? You guys, I brought a bunch of tinsel balls and fur mousies. See, toss and snatch is even more fun with all of us.
ReplyDeletewoo hoo!! Mousies.....!!
ReplyDelete[dives over]
you is my new bestest bud, Victor..
We're BACK. and we brought CRAB wif us. We finded it in the big cold box. Come on over and get some. We gots LOTS.
ReplyDeleteWeee! Charlie, catch!
ReplyDeleteNice jump - twist!
Mmm...yawn...I've had a good nap and I think I can find room for a little more party food...did someone say CRAB?
ReplyDeleteCRAB! I'm there. Whoops! [clunk]
ReplyDeleteI'm ok.
Hey, what's wif all the twins in the hockey tub?
Whoa, I'm a little dizzy. I think I'll take a little nap.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [thud]
Do worry everyone, I'm here and hanging out. Kukka Maria wanted to sneak out for a little bit. We were getting a low low in the munchies and drinks department, so I stepped out with Dad and picked up some more stuff. I think Kukka was gettin a little overwhelmed from all the attention, besides she said she had to give me my birthday gift.
ReplyDeleteThe next round of Tub Hockey will be based on colours. It will be Tabby Cats vs Tuxedos, Black Cats vs Torbies,Grey Cats vs Himalayans. I'll warn you all right now, my money is on Mistrie. Not can she play hockey, she plays Street Rules.
ReplyDeleteOh hey! More tub hockey! Has anyone seen Bonnie? No sign of Eponine's Cowboy, so if I can't find Bonnie, who will ref? Eric?? Go, Tabbies, Go, Tabbies. We can be the Tabby Tigers!
ReplyDeleteI finks most of the ginger cats count as tabbies, right? Charlie - I wants you on my team, bud!
ReplyDeleteUm...(looks up from plate with whiskers covered in crab)..Magoo? I can't help noticing your Colours round of Tub Hockey doesn't seem to mention a Gorgeous Ginger team anywhere. Just thought I'd mention it. I'm not really the athletic type myself but if any of my ginger friends want to form a team, I'll be right here next to the food cheering!
ReplyDeleteScooby: Tuxies vs Tabbies! I'm gonna bust your butt Shaggy!!! Come on Edsel let's get 'em!
ReplyDeleteCome on Max, Edsel and Slick let's show those Tabbies why we have a gang and they don't. Street rules? Sounds fine to me. I'll just remind you I'm a sicillian diva.
ReplyDeleteMy mistake, there should definately be a GingerTeam. They can play the Solid Whites once the Tabbies and Tuxies have finished their match.
ReplyDeleteFat eric, if you wanna be on our team you be goalie. Just go sit in front of the net and nothing will get past you! I don't mean to be rude, but dude, you cover a lot of square footage!
ReplyDeleteVictor and Scout-Joaquin has costumes for you. Sorry Magoo's mom, they are teenagers.
ReplyDeleteHey ref, No way was that a body slam. I slipped while walking by Shaggy!
Looks like we might be the latest gate crashers but just wanted to make sure we got to wish Magoo a Happy Birthday! We loves parties and can't believe we missed so much already. We'll have to guzzle some nip punch to catch up.
ReplyDeleteCostumes? What kind of costumes? Mom says it wasn't as easy as she thought to catch me in my party hat! Is it my fault I wanted to play?
ReplyDeleteCostumes? I love costumes! Look at me, I look like Roger Moore from a James Bond movie! I've got my tuxedo on and everything!
ReplyDeleteVictor, we can be on the same tabby team and since we looks so much alike it'll be like we're in two places at once! Angie's too prissy to play. She's gonna take a quick nap.
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau
What the...?! I passed out in the corner and now it's over?!?!?!