Thursday, July 08, 2010

A faint voice at Dolce's Story Chair

Dad: I thought the Story Chair was bad before but this is so much worse. It is my fault I know, I couldn't find the right path for my story. And then...

Dad: And then my most beloved boy became an angel...

Dad: I loved this story. It was what I loved doing... Make you laugh, make you tense with expectation, make you cry, but always make you believe that in the end all would work out. But it didn't work out that way... Magoo was supposed to have the sniffles, a cough, a small chest congestion...instead we watched as he slipped away after the Vet's needle did it's humanitarian work. My beloved Magoo. I miss you.

One lonely night as I sat at the base of Dolce' Story Chair locked into to deep bout of melancoly, the air began to swirl and twist and fold upon itself until I no longer believed that I was at the ragged story chair that I had envisioned for my furriends in the Catblogosphere.

Magoo: I know this place. It's Dolce's Story Chair. It's been a while since I've been here.
Elbereth: Of course you do, Beloved one. This was the place your human created in his mind to bring you and all your furriends together. He wanted to bring joy to all those who would hear his words.
Magoo: I was in meadow playing with all my furriends just waiting for him and my mom to show up.
Elbereth: We cannot let you rest, Beloved Magoo. We have a request for you to make...
Your human visits the Story Chair he created in your sisfurs name from time to time but he does not call his furriends to hear his words nor does he share the joy that God has given his voice.
Magoo: What can I do?
Elbereth: Talk to your human one last time. Tell him to continue his stories for they give not only hope to him but to others as well.

Magoo: Dad...
Dad: Magoo?
Magoo: I have but a short time...
Elbereth: Cease, Magoo. Your human cannot hear your words until the Price is paid...

I looked at Magoo's shimmering form and at the glowing Angelic body before me..,

Magoo: The price I pay is that I shall not...

Dad(interrupting): The price I pay is that I shall not cross with any of my beloved ones. They shall all cross the Rainbow Bridge with my one and only beloved, my wife. None shall wait in the meadow of the Rainbow Bridge for me. From the breath I take at this moment to the breath that ends my life on this Earth, all creatures I love or have loved or will love shall cross the bridge without me.

Elbereth: The price is paid. Do you understand the covenant you have made?
Dad: I will pass from the Earth without anyone to accompany me. Even if I pass before my own earth-bound angel,my Wife.
Elbereth: Yes that is your pledge...

Dad: Magoo... We miss you so much.
Magoo: I miss you so much too. I have so many furriends here that it hurts. We talk about our humans and how much fun and love we had back in our old lives on Earth.
Dad: Have you shared the names of the humans that helped your dad along the way?
Magoo: The Angels know all the names of the humans that do what they can.
Dad: What do I do now?
Magoo: Remain true.
Dad: Pardon me, but what the hell does that mean?
Magoo: I was at the campsite at the fire when you retold the story of Jingles...
Dad: Please don't go.
Magoo: Dad, you are the Storyteller. I have spoken your name across the vast Rainbow Bridge Meadow. I will see you across the Rainbow Bridge.
Dad: Good bye, Magoo.
Magoo: Continue the stories, Storyteller...The magic in this chair can still bring us back to sit and listen and laugh. Even though we cannot touch you and let you know... Look to the corner of the Story Chair.. There are two Angelic feathers. All who have Come Before can fnd this place now...
Dad: There is a condition isn't there?
Elbereth: There always is; only when there are stories told and your loved ones are present, can your furriends cross the thresold between Heaven and Earth.
Dad: My furriends?
Elbereh: The Storyteller is wise. You told me that all cats you love or have loved or will love are covered by your vow. Your heart is vast. I have watched you cry tears over animals that you have never held or cuddled or even known. All creatures are bound by the stories their kind tells; from the Wolf that cries to the half-shapened moon to the frogs that croak at each sunset. Each talks of hope, contentment and love. Not much difference from that to a blog broadcast across the Internet...

Dad: I will be back...


  1. I am so glad that the Storyteller feels ready to return. This post gave me more than a leaky face, I was in floods of tears, not just for the loss of your beloved Magoo, but for the loss of all my own precious kitties who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge, and also all that I have met through the blogs.
    When you think the pain of loss has eased it comes back and hits you so hard when you are not expecting it. We must all be thankful for the happy memories that we are left with of the love given unconditionally by our beloved pets. These memories help us through the hard times.
    (((hugs))) Jackie
    (Eric and Flynn's mum)

  2. Yes, what Eric & Flynn's mom said. We had a hard time reading this through tears too.

  3. A deluge of tears are flowing down my cheeks, not just for feeling the loss of your dear Magoo and the magical unearthly encounter of him from across the great divide to your vow to him.

    The is another loss I am experiencing concerning a fellow blogger whom I have been following since 2005. He has had cancer and for these 5 years his battle has been hard fought,and now sadly it is coming to it's end.

    Loss of any kind is hard.
    A voice silenced is deafening.

    We hope the storyteller will return.

    Kitties from ManxMnews

  4. I am late in commenting because honestly every time I started to read this it brought tears to my eyes so I had to stop and then come back. I was finally able to finish - still crying of course. It is both a beautiful and sad post, just as life can be both beautiful and sad.

  5. After too long away, we are returning to read your stories.

    Storyteller, we are hoping that Magoo, at least, will be allowed to wait, and cross that Bridge with you.

  6. we read this story 'afore and our the mom was crying too hard to comment. even now after 4 years, the pain of us losing trixie and norton comes back in waves and it's really hard. but we hope that Magoo will be allowed to cross with you, as a reward for your wonderful stories.
