Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tales of Pirate Cats and Waylaid Beans Await

To all our friends,

We has been silent 'acause our beans were patrolling for booty in the Caring-Bean.

Captain Jack can esplain what has been happenin apon the rolling sea. Argh!

From the reports written in the captain's log ("DAD"), we has spotted many tasty fishes and miles apon miles of unpooped sandboxes. We cats calls that "Surf and Turf".

He has some video of hundreds of fishes. (We thinks he makes stuff up). But when the proof hits this blog we shall either cheer; or boo and hiss.

Pee Ess: Baci has been telling Grandma about his hollow leg. She is beginning to think it is a figament of his imagination just like Dad.

Pee Pee Ess: Dad saw a whole bunch of feral cats in Puerto Rico. He has pictures. Especially of one he and Mom called George. Pictures will follow. especially of thje fishes. From what we have been told this should be a blockbuster on CatTV.


  1. Ah Did you see Captain Jack while were there? Did he rob you?

  2. Ohhhhh, sounds heavenly! Miles of sandboxes!!!!!! FISH!!!!!!

  3. I sooo want to see the bwockbuster!

  4. Oh we can't wait to see the fishes!

  5. I hope your beans get back soon, but have fun training gramma
