Welcome to the Story Chair
Jingles and The Homecoming (Part 4)
Jingles sat helplessly as Sammy and Tinker pulled tools and devices from every nook and cranny of their workbench. Some looked familiar but others looked strange and somewhat dangerous.
"You will need at least two of these." Sammy said as he placed two multifaceted crystal-looking snowflake globes on the table.
"Two?" Tinker asked. "Is that enough?"
"You're right." Sammy thought aloud. "I would take more of those and less of the Tinsel Security Rope."
"I would also add a second Fructose Thermogenerator Cake." Tinker added. "If you get caught in Alberta Clipper, you might need it."
"Good Point." Sammy replied as he took another small green and red circular cake from an upper shelf.
"Remember." Jingles interrupted. "I have to carry all this stuff"
Jingles, Sammy and Tinker looked at the large pile of gizmos, gadgets and North Pole tech that was sitting on the floor of the garage.
"I am not carrying any of that." Tanaraq stated sharply. "I am not a pack mule."
"OK." Sammy replied. "At a bare minimum, you need to take one Fructose Generator, two Star Sparklers, an Icing Sugar Escape Screen, and several Gingerbread Survival Cookies. Here are your goggles. Do not set off a Star Sparkler without wearing these. They will blind everything within twenty five feet for at least fifteen minutes."
"Trust me." Sangilak added. "Those things are bright."
"What else do I need?" Jingles asked.
Sammy looked at Tinker and then at Sangilak. He then sheepishly looked at Tanaraq.
"You will need these." Sammy held out two custom made leather harnesses. "These will help you ride... I mean accompany Sangilak and Tanaraq. Their gate is nothing like a Reindeer's. You are used to riding a North Pole Reindeer. Sangilak has a unique and a most aggressive pace to his stride."
"He means that I run without care to those apon my back." Sangilak said proudly.
"I will not wear that." Tanaraq snarled defiantly.
"Mate." Sangilak rubbed his nose against his mate's. "It is not degrading when one carries one's friends. We both sensed that there is a Greater Path to our quest otherwise we would not be here."
"Tanaraq." Sammy stated as he held out the harness. "This was created by our best leather makers and husbanders. They have maintained the leather works of Santa's sleigh for the last millenium. They build harnesses and binders that are weightless to the wearer and only respond to the purest of commands. They made these two just for you and Sangilak. They bear all the love that they had for the Wishbringer."
Tanaraq sniffed at the leather harnesses in Sammy's hands. She suddenly took a step backwards.
"What is it, my Mate?" Sangilak asked.
"The harness smells like..." Tanaraq paused. "It smells like a long joyous run on a frozen lake."
"It is part of the magic of the North Pole." Tinker smiled. "While you wear the harness, that is what it will feel like. A long joyous run on a frozen lake. You do not submit to wearing this harness. It is given as gift. A gift that the craftsmen have tried to build into every seam and stitch so that the wearer bears it with joy and hope."
"Very well." Tanaraq bowed her head. "You may bind me with this abomination."
Sammy pulled the harness over Tanaraq's head and secured it to her frame. He placed a kiss on her head.
"May all the gifts you bear reach their chosen destination." Sammy said softly. "May you bear them with love and true purpose. May they protect you as you protect them."
"What was that?" Tanaraq asked.
"It is a blessing we give to every creature that bears a burden or load from the North Pole." Sammy replied.
"We are ready." Sangilak stated fiercely. He felt the need to chase the Great Northern Wind.
Jingles pulled his green woolen coat tightly against his body and then he jumped onto the harness on Sangilak's back.
"We will be back as soon as we can." Jingles said as he tried to hold onto to Sangilak's back as the wolf jumped and circled excitedly.
"Godspeed." Santa said as he watched Jingles, Sangilak and Tanaraq sprint out of the Main Garage and away from the North Pole.
Santa stood proudly as he watched his friend cross the horizon. He felt a long lost presence at his feet and the presence of a beloved friend. Elbereth and Myrrh stood next to Santa as they too watched Jingles, Sangilak and Tanaraq leave the North Pole.
"Will they succeed?" Santa asked the two hidden beings.
"That is up to Tanaraq." Myrrh replied. "I gave my last breath to her. And though she does not know it, everything is up to her."
To be continued...Thanks for snuggling with us, come back soon.
The tale of five Great White North Cats and their co-dependants. One is a Lover, One is a Thinker, One is a Talker, One is a Troublemaker and One is Shy and their three Ministers of Food, Toys and Poop Collection. Our Soldier left us to patrol the meadow at the Rainbow Bridge.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Dolce's Story Chair - Jingles and the Homecoming Part 4
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Dolce's Story Chair: Jingles and The Homecoming
For Magoo, I give you the next part of the story, Jingles and The Homecoming...
Welcome to the Story Chair
Jingles and The Homecoming (Part 3)
Everyone stood silently in the main garage at the North Pole. It had been many years since Myrrh had followed her True Path. Jingles moved towards Sangilak and Tanaraq.
"Myrrh is no longer amongst us." Jingles said softly. "Her name appearred on the Scrolls three years ago. She waits at Rainbow Bridge for her Beloved Human."
Sangilak looked at his mate, Tanaraq in disbelief.
"Sammy. Tinker." Sangilak pleaded to his old companions. "I bore you both with Myrrh south to the human settlement. I know your scent as well as hers. Believe me when I say that I bring news of Myrrh."
"That is not possible." Jingles replied. "Myrrh is gone."
"She is not gone!" Sangilak snarled. "I have found her scent. She is not gone!"
"Sangilak." Jingles stood his ground. "Myrrh passed three years ago as Humans count time. I saw her name on the Beloved Scroll myself. Elbereth told me the night she passed."
"But I caught her scent." Sangilak replied. "It was as if she was there. It was the only thing that prevented..."
"Prevented what?" Sammy stepped forward.
Tanaraq spoke first.
"We were on a Hunt." Tanaraq stated. "We were near a Human settlement. It has been a hard winter and wild prey has been difficult to find..."
There was a hesitation in Tanaraq's voice.
"Tanaraq." Santa placed his hand on her muscular shoulder. "You are a creature of the Wild, You bear no blame for your nature."
"Our Pack found easier prey near a Human settlement." Tanaraq continued. "We found a abandoned house that had easy prey for the Pack to hunt. We feasted easily at first,but the prey became less..."
"The Pack turned towards the lesser animals of the human settlement." Sangilak continued. "My Pack-Heir found the last remaining prey. Something made him hesitate. That is when I caught Myrrh's scent. There was three of your kind left, Jingles; and they bore Myrrh's scent. If she has been gone for three years, how could those three still bear her scent as though she was there."
"It appears the Wishbringer has one more gift to give." Santa said as he looked Tanaraq stright in the eyes. "What does your heart say that we must do next?"
Tanaraq looked at the Elves and Cats before her her. Her nose twitched and flared as she examined each of the creatures before her.
"Him." Tanaraq motioned towards Jingles. "He is the one. It is his Path."
"Jingles." Sangilak said. "She Who Must Be Obeyed has matched all pairs within the Pack. If she says it is you who must come with us then it is only you who can fufill this Hunt."
"Well that's that." Sammy brushed off his velvet vest. "We have to get Jingles ready for a a trip south. Thankfully, Tinker and I have been there before and we know exactly what he needs."
To be continued...Thanks for snuggling with us, come back soon.